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7-31 * Wisdom from Colleen Badagliacco

Writer's picture: WomanUP!WomanUP!

Hello WomanUP!® Community!

Our Friday show kicked off with some virtual event announcements from Debra. Did you hear we are having a WomanUP!® World built on our own private "virtual" island?

Already bought your ticket?

We designed a special 2020 VIRTUAL EXPERIENCE swag line and it is ready for you! YES - the SWAG SHOP IS OPEN! Head to and start shopping today!

Sara also shared some important updates from C.A.R.:

  • We have worked with our partner, Glide, to fix the problems with the PEAD-V Forms. Glide is hosting a series of webinars to use this solution, please share it with your agents: COVID-19 Compliance - Guided Software for PEAD-V Forms (Recording link Here)

  • Education Foundation Scholarship applications are LIVE through Aug 14th!

Next, Leslie shared her economic update. (See below!)

After the updates, our leaders dove into a WomanUP!® WaveMaking Wisdom chat with Colleen Badagliacco, Broker in the SF Bay Area and former Treasurer and President of C.A.R.

Click the image below to watch the replay.

Prefer to watch it on YouTube? Click here.


Leading In Times of Crisis Series Q+A

Colleen is a 9th generation Californian and life-long resident of the SF Bay Area. She is a broker and over four decades has led both independent and franchised companies. She served as Treasurer of California Association of REALTORS® and Pres. in 2007. Colleen has held a number of leadership positions at the National Association of REALTORS® including leading their Strategic Planning and MLS committees. In 2018 she served under Elizabeth Mendenhall as VP of Assoc. Affairs, one of only two non-elected members of the National Leadership Team.

Q1: What do you believe is the biggest opportunity for leaders right now?

This is an opportunity to evaluate what works and what doesn't and what 'new' or little-used tools can be especially valuable now. Prune dead wood: people, processes, perspectives. This will bring into focus and give space for growth-personal and in your company,  additionally added bandwidth to try new things.

Q2: What are some of the biggest challenges for leaders right now and going into 2021?

Balancing reacting to necessary business changes for COVID/health and losing the forest for the trees. Balancing the urgent v non-urgent, important v not important.

Q3: What advice and resources are you sharing the most?

I came of age in the era of Stephen Covey and Tom Peters; the Harvard Business Review and the Wall Street Journal have also served as teachers. Many lessons from these sources are evergreen. ( I took time to count and I think this is my fifth recession!)

Q4: What tips do you have for leaders on how to communicate effectively right now?

Take time to process your own situation fully, identifying what has changed and what not. Keep messages simple, focused, positive if at all possible. Be authentic.

Q5: What is your advice for leaders who are struggling?

Write down your 'issues'. List, then separate what you can control vs. not. If your issue is financial, don't be afraid to prune for the overall health and sustainability of your company, but beware of becoming 'anorexic' where you don't have the resources to take advantage of opportunities to do things differently. Take care of yourself ! Be sure your schedule has 'white space' for strategic important thought. Do something every day that brings you peace, joy, or feeds your soul; even if it is only for 10 minutes!

Additional Words of Wisdom

"Never give up on a dream because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway."


Did you miss a past episode of our Weekly UPdates + Wisdom show? No worries, we've got them all HERE.

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