Sponsor Overview
We are thrilled you're here!
Becoming a Sponsor with WomanUP!® is more than broadcasting your logo to attendees on an agenda, website, or slide shared at a virtual or live event.
We are a Movement serving and supporting our members throughout the year. Our Sponsors help us inspire women in the real estate industry to rise UP through collaboration, education, connection, and sharing stories.
Your support provides our community of over 15,000 women brokerage owners, executives, and industry leaders with the tools, strategies, and connections to open, expand, and support their businesses.
Over the last 7 years, we have highlighted over 600 women in leadership, hosted hundreds of virtual and live events across North America, raised tens of thousands of dollars for scholarships to attend the conference, collaborated with dozens of sponsors, launched a podcast to expand our reach, and so much more.
Are you ready to sponsor this year?

Being A Sponsor Has Perks All Year Long!
Think you're only going to show up as a logo on one slide during one event this year?
No way!
Here at WomanUP!® we believe in putting you front and center so you can connect and engage in meaningful ways inside the community.
The heart of WomanUP!® is collaborative leadership and our sponsors (that's YOU!) are an integral part of each and every experience we create.
Will you join us?

Why become a sponsor?
Over the years we've seen and heard about:
REALTORS earning their brokerage license with standing ovations
Sponsors developing new products based on conversations with attendees
Sponsors forming collaborations and building their businesses together
Women opening new businesses after identifying a need in the room
Referral partnerships forming and connections growing across the nation
Women in leadership confidently sharing their stories on stages across the globe
REALTORS® earning their brokerage license with standing ovations and a built-in support structure to mentor them along the way
Yes! All of this is a direct result of the action-focused, collaborative atmosphere at WomanUP!® - both online and off. We have created a truly unique experience and space in this industry.
This Community Is...
Ready to share, learn, and take the steps necessary to lead their businesses to the next level.
Filled with powerful decision-makers and action-takers you want to connect with every day.
Committed to intentionally working together to support each other and elevate this industry.

The Future Looks Bright!
There are so many ways you can get involved AND highlight your leadership... all year long!
Monthly conversations with industry leaders are hosted via Zoom.
Quarterly group education sessions led by WomanUP!® Mentors + WaveMakers
Coffee + Conversations w/ Leslie
Conversations about books and hot topics hosted by industry icon, Leslie Appleton-Young
Our way to uncover and share inspiring, inclusive stories of women in leadership
We host this campaign in March to honor the community during Women's History Month.
We connect our wisdom-filled leaders with those seeking to learn through this program.
Save the Date!
June 11, 2025
Westin Pasadena
Pasadena, CA

Praise from our Community...
WomanUP!® is empowering and very inspiring. To have access to such beautiful like-minded women is encouraging and confirms, I am NOT alone.
-Kama Burton
Every time I am at a Woman UP! event, I am empowered to speak my truth. To be brave, bold & to do my best, no matter what comes my way. The women I've met are courageous, inspiring and are brilliant examples of the type of leaders we can become.
~Carol Farrar
I get to witness a group if women embracing their power. The women I’ve met have become my sisterhood of support, inspiration and accountability.
I AM WomanUP!!
-Molly McKinley
When I am at a WomanUP! event I feel at home. I feel it is the right place for me. I feel loved and appreciated and honored. I feel safe. The women I’ve met are extraordinary, inspiring, encouraging and supportive…
-Ameeta Jain
The conferences, relationships and educational conversations that WomanUP!® has created, have given me a clear vision for what a professional woman business owner should aspire to be. Coming from a minority & poverty-stricken household, I did not have a role model that I could look up to or strive to become. (All I was told was to make it into college & choose a career, get a job & make money).
The very first WomanUP!® conference gave me the strength & courage to leave a comfortable, salaried position and get on the pathway to become an entrepreneur. The encouraging messages, inclusivity and mentorship from ALL the speakers & audience from that first event, showed me what the world needs more of & I wanted to be a part of this powerful community and help them spread their vision.
It has awakened a creativity & passion to serve humanity that would not have come forth had I continued to be in a setting that was not leading me to become the best version of myself. That is the power of the WomanUP!® community.
-Luisa Chavez
I am WomanUP! WomanUP is a community that mentors, uplifts, and supports women in leadership and brokerages. It is a safe place to share and collaborate with like-minded individuals to create diversity and equality in the real estate industry. Through WomanUP I have meet lifelong friends and mentors. With the connections and support of WomanUP, I have grown as a leader/Broker, improved office procedures and increased my company’s value proposition.
-Sabrina Brown
When I am at a WomanUP! Event I am deeply inspired, moved and empowered!
The women I’ve met have become lifetime friends, mentors and confidantes.
-Courtney Poulos
Every time I am at a WomanUP! event I feel alive and empowered!
The women I’ve met are brave, smart and wholehearted!
~Christine George
Every time I’m at the WomanUP! event I feel safe, supported, inspired, and energized knowing we are a growing community making change for diversity together! The women I’ve met have changed my life. I always thought I was alone going through leadership challenges only to find out other ladies have experienced the same. I’ve had leadership trying for decades but the make issues were never what I was experiencing. I can’t tell you the strong relationships I have formed and the amazing support system you will get from our WomanUP! Community.
-Jen Berman
Every time I am at a WomanUP! event I am inspired by how real and honest everyone is onstage and off.
The women I’ve met are some of the strongest, bravest and smartest I’ve met!
-Katie Lance