Hello WomanUP!® Community!
Our guest this week is Marci James.
She is the Director of Industry Outreach at realtor.com, an adventure seeker, lifelong learner, problem solver, challenge taker, and community builder. Her 20+ years of work in the real estate industry have been driven by my desire to empower REALTORS@ with the tools, information, skills, & confidence they need to flourish and succeed.
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Empowered Women Empower Others Q+A with Marci James
Q1: What was your first leadership role? Did you ask/ apply for it or were you recruited?
High school newspaper editor, president of riding club (high school), College Govt rep for my Dorm, Historian for my sorority, MOM (most challenging leadership role ever)! Career wise, first true management role was with Obeo, but I don’t believe you have to be a manager to be a leader.
Q2: What has been your biggest leadership lesson this year? How did you learn it?
Leaders have to break bad news sometimes. You cannot over-communicate. Especially in situations where there is fear (real or perceived). How do you help your team when you’re struggling yourself - that was my challenge.
Also… Don’t fear the difficult relationships at work… There’s almost always someone you just don’t click with. I know I learn the most from the relationships I struggle with the most. I believe these are lessons we are meant to learn.
Q3: What were your top takeaways from WomanUP!® 2020?
"How to Negotiate Your Worth" session and the "How to Pivot your Brand" session.
Q4: Final words of wisdom?
Be a servant. “True leaders are servants, and have that servant mentality. I’m not here for the attention or the glory, I’m here to help YOU succeed.”
Be Present… I find this to be one of the biggest struggles for many leaders. So many distractions, constantly thinking of the next meeting, etc.
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